IIT People Search

Sine Mandrup Bertozzi

Analytical Chemistry Facility
Senior Technician
Analytical Chemistry
Research center

I hold a Master Degree in Chemical Engineering (2000) from the Department of Organic Chemistry at the Technical University of Denmark - DTU (Denmark). I have a background in the pharmaceutical industry, where I have been working as a synthetic organic/medicinal chemist in Early Drug Discovery at Novartis Pharma (Switzerland) and ACADIA Pharmaceuticals (Denmark), and also in R&D at PolyPeptide Laboratories (Denmark). In 2005, I embarked on a career in the analytical chemistry field providing support to the medicinal chemistry in early drug discovery projects at ACADIA Pharmaceuticals (Sweden). In 2010, I joined IIT as a Senior Technician in the Drug Discovery and Development (D3) Department, where I have been part of setting up the analytical chemistry and biochemistry lab. Within the Analytical Chemistry Facility, I am responsible for in vitro DMPK profiling, chemical characterization and purification of compounds for research projects within IIT and external collaborations. I have co-authored 33 publications in peer-reviewed journals.


Title: M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering
Institute: Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Location: Kgs. Lyngby
Country: Denmark
From: 1993 To: 2000