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She received the B.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano in 2015 and the M.S. double degree in Robotics Engineering from the University of Genoa and from the École Centrale de Nantes (with high honors) in 2017, within the European Master in Advanced Robotics (EMARO) program. During her master,  she developed her thesis project at the  Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). 

From 2017 to 2019 she worked as a research fellow at Genoa Robotics and Automation Laboratory and as teaching assistant at the University of Genoa.

Since 2019 she joined the Artificial and Mechanical Intelligence Research Line (Dynamic Interaction Control until 2021) at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, working on instantaneous control and embodied cognition for humanoid robots. 

Since October 2021 she is also enrolled as a split-site Ph.D student at the University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K.

All Publications
Rapetti L., Sartore C., Elobaid M., Tirupachuri Y., Draicchio F., Kawakami T., Yoshiike T., Pucci D.
A Control Approach for Human-Robot Ergonomic Payload Lifting
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 2023-May, pp. 7504-7510
Conference Paper Conference
Sartore C., Rapetti L., Bergonti F., Dafarra S., Traversaro S., Pucci D.
Codesign of Humanoid Robots for Ergonomic Collaboration with Multiple Humans via Genetic Algorithms and Nonlinear Optimization
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robotics, HUMANOIDS, pp. 1-8
Conference Paper Conference
Sartore C., Rapetti L., Pucci D.
Optimization of Humanoid Robot Design for Ergonomic Collaborative Lifting
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
Conference Paper Conference
Sartore C., Simetti E., Wanderlingh F., Casalingo G.
Autonomous Deep Sea Mining Exploration: The EU ROBUST Project Control Framework
OCEANS, pp. 1-8
Sartore C., Campos R., Quintana J., Simetti E., Casalino G.
Control and Perception Framework for Deep Sea Mining Exploration.
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems ., pp. pp. 6348-6353
Conference Paper Conference
Awards and Achievements
Rapetti L., Sartore C., Elobaid M., Tirupachuri Y., Draicchio F., Kawakami T., Yoshiike T., Pucci D.
Outstanding Interaction Paper award finalist at 2023 ICRA "A Control Approach for Human-Robot Ergonomic Payload Lifting"
Pucci D., Maggiali M., Dafarra S., Pattacini U., Traversaro S., Milani G., Rapetti L., Romualdi G., Sorrentino I., Sartore C., Valli E., Viceconte P., Grieco R., Elobaid M., Larosa F., Fiorio L., Barbieri E., Gandini D., Salvi M., Scalzo A., Tomè D., Tricerri L., Girardi S., Vassallo G.
ANA Avatar XPRIZE Finalist