IIT People Search

Filomena Grazia Alvino

Post Doc
Functional Neuroimaging
Research center
Alvino Filomena Grazia got a PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience from Sapienza University of Rome in February 2018. Her main PhD study focused on neural basis regulating working memory capacity. In more detail, she investigated the role of the dorsal and ventral hippocampus in working memory capacity using two new behavioral tasks set up in her laboratory . She worked on it at the Institute of Genetics and Biophysics, CNR, Naples. After the PhD, she got a position in the behavioral Facility of the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, TIGEM, Naples. During this period she worked a lot on the characterization of murine models of rare genetic diseases and the efficacy of gene therapy. In February 2019, she moved at the Functional Neuroimaging laboratory, IIT, Rovereto where she is working on the developmental trajectory of connectivity aberrations in 22q11DS, the most consistent genetic lesion associated to Schizophrenia, within a translational study funded by National Institute of Health.

Title: PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience
Institute: Sapienza University of Rome
Location: null
Country: null
From: 2016 To: 2018

All Publications
Stuefer A., Balasco L., Colombo G., Gini S., Coletta L., DEpifanio B., Rocchi F., Montani C., Alvino F.G., Sastre-Yagüe D., Galbusera A., Aldrighetti M., Mandrup Bertozzi S., Lau Poui Cheung P., Papaleo F., Iurilli G., Armirotti A., Bozzi Y., Cancedda L., Lombardo M., Gozzi A.
Neocortical Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance During Early Development Leads to Permanent Socio-Behavioral, Transcriptomic and Connectivity Alterations
Gordon Research Conference - Fragile X and Autism Related Disorders
Poster Conference
Alvino F.G., Gini S., Minetti A., Pagani M., Sastre-Yague D., Barsotti N., De Guzman E., Schleifer C., Stuefer A., Kushan L., Montani C., Galbusera A., Papaleo F., Lombardo M.V., Pasqualetti M., Bearden C.E., Gozzi A.
Synaptic-dependent developmental dysconnectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Article E-print Archive
Gini S., Alvino F.G., Minetti A., Sastre-Yagüe D., Schleifer C., Stuefer A., Pagani M., Montani C., Galbusera A., Papaleo F., Lombardo M., Pasqualetti M., Bearden C., Gozzi A.
Synaptic-related developmental dysconnectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Organization for Human Brain Mapping
Poster Conference
Alvino F.G., Gini S., Sastre Y.D., Minetti A., Galbusera A., Montani C., Pagani M., Schleifer C., Papaleo F., Lombardo M.V., Pasqualetti M., Bearden C.E., Gozzi A.
Synaptic-dependent developmental dysconnectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Neuroscience 2023
Poster Conference
Montani C., Pagani M., De Guzman E., Balasco L., Alvino F.G., De Felice A., Galbusera A., Nickl-Jockschat T.K., Barsortti N., Pasqualetti M., Mattioni L., Provenzano G., Bozzi Y., Lombardo M., Gozzi A.
Sex-biasing influence of autism-associated Ube3a gene overdosage at connectomic, behavioral and transcriptomic levels
Article E-print Archive